About us


The Moscow Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC) is under the jurisdiction of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, which coordinates, regulates, and provides scientific and methodological support for the activities of the Centre.

The mission of the Moscow Centre for International Cooperation is to contribute to the strengthening of long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation between Moscow and the countries of the world. The Centre plays a significant role in the development and implementation of Moscow’s foreign policy priorities, as well as in promoting the socio-economic, investment, scientific, and cultural interests of the city. The Centre actively participates in various events, both in Russia and abroad. The Moscow Centre for International Cooperation organizes business missions and forums, cultural and sports events, high-level meetings and negotiations. In its activities, the Centre is guided by the principles of equality and fairness, respect for the cultural traditions of different nations, and aims to establish partnership and mutually beneficial relations between Moscow and the rest of the world.


  • Organizing and conducting international congresses, conferences, symposiums, seminars, roundtables, and other types of events.
  • Enhancing the investment attractiveness of the city of Moscow.
  • Establishing, expanding, and implementing international relations of Moscow government departments, Moscow industrial, scientific, cultural organizations, and foundations.
  • Participating in the implementation of the Moscow Government’s Program for Working with Compatriots Abroad.
  • Assisting in the socio-economic, technical, and cultural development of Moscow.
  • Promoting Moscow’s industrial and scientific-technical potential on the international stage.


  • Attracting foreign investments for implementing prospective projects in Moscow.
  • Ensuring effective interaction between state and commercial structures involved in international and foreign economic activities.
  • Promoting Moscow goods and services in foreign markets.
  • Expertise, consulting services, research work, provision of informational-analytical materials, studying the state of global markets for goods and services.
  • Medical internships abroad.
  • Passport and visa services.

About us in numbers

225 000+
number of participants
number of agreements reached
business missions
attracted companies

The administration

Klementyeva Diana

General Director

Shevtsova Alexandra

Deputy General Director

Razovskaya Julia

Deputy General Director

Zaikina Natalia

Deputy General Director

About the Center

ANO “MCMS” is under the jurisdiction of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, which coordinates, regulates, and provides scientific and methodological support for the Center’s activities.

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