Moscow takes part in the interreligious dialogue in Israel

The Moscow Center for International Cooperation held a round table “Moscow-Israel: Dialogue of Confessions” in Kfar Yasif as part of the visit of the Moscow Government delegation to Israel on February 14-19, 2023. At the event participants exchanged experiences in the field of strengthening interfaith peace and harmony, interaction with religious organizations and mechanisms for preventing conflicts on religious grounds. 

The head of the delegation the Minister, Head of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow Sergei Cheremin held meetings with the mayors of the cities of Kfar Yasif and Nazareth, the main spiritual leader of the Druze in Israel, Sheikh Muafaq Tarif, Patriarch Theophilus III of Jerusalem and Patriarch Nurhan Manukyan of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Jerusalem. In continuation of the event, the exhibition “Orthodox shrines outside of Russia” was held.

The Moscow Center for International Cooperation also held an economic conference under the aegis of the Moscow Government in Tel Aviv. The participants established partnerships in the field of business and investment cooperation between the Moscow Government and administrations, institutions and organizations of Israeli partner cities. The Moscow delegation got acquainted with the best practices of Israeli institutions from the sphere of foreign economic and trade areas using information technologies, and also visited a number of infrastructure facilities and technoparks in Israel.

Considering the fact that the Russian language and literature are very popular in Israel a round table for teachers of the Russian language “Interesting Russian language and how to ensure the quality of language skills in the absence of an environment” was also held.

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