Presentation of the Latin American and Caribbean Culture Festival 2024

On April 10, the House of Latin America hosted the presentation of the Festival of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean countries, which is traditionally held by the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow together with the Department of Culture of Moscow, the Gosfilmofond of Russia, the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino, embassies of Latin American countries, ANO “House of Latin America”.

ANO Moscow Center for International Cooperation provided assistance in organizing the presentation of the Festival, providing technical support for the event.

The event was attended by heads and diplomats of the embassies of Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, as well as representatives of departments of the Moscow Government, The National Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation with Latin American Countries, Russian cultural, public, educational and scientific institutions.

Sergey Cheremin, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department for External Economic and International Relations, spoke at the presentation of the festival program.

“International cooperation, and first of all, humanitarian and cultural interaction, are becoming especially important and of great value today! Latin America and the Caribbean is one of the world’s most important regions. And what is especially significant for us is Moscow’s key international partner,” said Sergey Cheremin.

Julia Surilova, Director of the House of Latin America, delivered a welcoming speech to the guests. Yulia Bragina, Director of the Department of the Gosfilmofond of Russia, representatives of the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino, the Higher School of Economics, the diplomatic Corps and other guests also spoke.

On July 20-27, 2024, Moscow will host the annual festival of culture of Latin America and the Caribbean. The Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow is already working on the format of the event, together with the embassies of Latin American countries, a new program is being developed.

On July 20-21, in the Hermitage Garden, festival guests will be able to enjoy folk dances and music, see traditional clothing shows, participate in master classes and thematic lectures.

The program of events will again include the Latin American and Caribbean Film Festival. Within the framework of the Festival, the House of Latin America organizes an art project dedicated to fashion and style – “Russia — Latin America: Design across continents”. The project will become an integral part of the street festival in the Hermitage Garden.

The festival will become a bright event in the cultural life of the capital, attracting tens of thousands of guests and introducing them to the vibrant original culture of Latin America and the Caribbean.

In 2023, the festival was attended by more than 50 thousand people in two days. The event is supported by the Moscow Government.

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