Visit of employees of medical organizations of the Moscow State Healthcare System to China

As part of the implementation of the State Program of Moscow “Development of Healthcare in Moscow (Metropolitan Healthcare)” with the support of the Moscow Center for International Cooperation, from March 30 to April 05, 2024, employees of medical organizations of the Moscow State Healthcare system visited the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in order to exchange and study international experience in providing medical care, including studying the work of robotic pharmacies.

The Russian delegation included the heads of GBUZ Center for Drug Supply of the Moscow Department of Health, heads of departments of GBUZ Morozovskaya DGKB DZM, GBUZ GKB No. 15 DZM and GBUZ GKB named after V.P. Demikhov, head of the Standardization Department of the Scientific Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management of the Department of Health of Moscow”, engineers of GAU “Gormedtechnika”.

The delegation visited the campuses of Xiuguan and Sanxiang Affiliated Hospitals of Suzhou University (Suzhou), Qingdao Municipal Hospital (Qingdao) and the headquarters of Haier Biomedical (Qingdao), where they met with the heads of these medical institutions, as well as representatives of the IT technology service. Chinese colleagues introduced the members of the Russian delegation to the basic principles of the organization of the work of robotic pharmacies in medical institutions in China, as well as modern achievements in the digital development of healthcare.

The Russian delegation introduced to the Chinese colleagues the main directions of digital development of the Moscow healthcare system.

The visit of employees of medical organizations of the Moscow State Healthcare System to China laid the foundation for further practical cooperation within the framework of bilateral cooperation in the field of healthcare development.

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