Support for compatriots abroad

Main areas of support

The Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Moscow Center for International Cooperation” carries out extensive work to support compatriots abroad and supports various humanitarian projects in the following main areas:

Support for public organizations and associations of Russian compatriots

In recent years, dozens of festivals, forums, and concerts have been held to strengthen all-Russian values, support and develop the “Russian world” involving representatives of Russian diasporas:

• in Asia: China, Singapore, Shanghai, and Japan
• in the Middle East – in Israel
• in Europe: Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia, France
• in the Baltic countries
• in CIS countries

Information cooperation with compatriots

Being thousands of kilometers away from their homeland, compatriots need information exchange with fellow countrymen. Forms of support are not limited to Russian and multilingual periodicals. Publishing projects are subsidized, support is provided to internet projects in the information environment, Russian-language media and media portals are supported (Big Asia TV channel with video materials, online publications, reviews, and direct speech).

Social, humanitarian, and educational programs

In order to study the history of their homeland in more detail and in depth for the younger generation of compatriots abroad, exhibitions, forums, festivals, film screenings, and meetings with famous cultural figures are regularly held. Support is also provided to socially vulnerable layers of the Russian diaspora – Russian-speaking students studying in higher educational institutions teaching subjects in Russian in the Baltic States, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, and Transnistria (implementation of the Moscow Mayor’s Scholarship program). Active support is provided to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Charity concerts and meetings are held for veterans.

Support for the Russian language, culture, and education

Russian today ranks among the top ten languages in the world in terms of the number of speakers. Unfortunately, according to linguist experts, this number may decrease by a third in a quarter of a century. Taking this into account, ANO “MCMS” considers the preservation and promotion of the Russian language and literature, as well as Russian-language education, as the most important direction in working with compatriots. Significant assistance has been provided to Russian schools abroad, dozens of educational centers and centers for creative development. Educational and methodological literature and technical equipment have been acquired and provided. Compulsory educational and educational complexes, general educational schools, and art centers have been equipped with all necessary facilities in CIS and Baltic countries, Bulgaria, Israel, Italy, Greece, the USA, France, etc., where Russian language is taught.

Support for youth organizations of Russian compatriots

An important aspect of the activities carried out in this direction is the upcoming change of generations. This work is aimed at consolidating in the minds of young people a truthful and objective understanding of Russia’s centuries-old traditions, its history, and culture. Within the framework of this activity, summer schools of arts, creative festivals, sports tournaments, and educational and recreational camps are organized and held.

Interaction with the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad

ANO “MCMS” assists in restoration work, the restoration of monument churches and iconography. It helps to acquire church utensils for various dioceses, churches, temples, and parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad.

Assistance in preserving military and historical monuments of Russia abroad

Assistance is provided to public organizations of compatriots in maintaining the proper condition of Soviet and Russian graves and monuments to great compatriots located abroad.

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