Implementation of the government program of Moscow city – Capital healthcare

The Moscow Center for International Cooperation is actively engaged in organizing the study and exchange of experience for practicing doctors in Moscow’s healthcare system at leading foreign clinics and hospitals.

As part of cooperation with healthcare structures of partner countries, a number of the best foreign state and private clinics, hospitals, and medical centers are presented, with approved programs for visits by Moscow healthcare professionals, depending on which the composition of a group consisting of 2-20 people is determined and sent to the specified country for experience exchange with foreign colleagues for a period ranging from a few days to two weeks.

The Moscow Center for International Cooperation currently has close contacts with leading clinics in Israel, university clinics in Korea, Italy, France, Switzerland, and other countries.

To create comfortable working conditions in clinics and hospitals, a full range of services and support is provided for each group member: visa support, transportation logistics, accommodation and meals, and assistance during the stay.

Through close interaction and exchange of practical experience, Russian doctors have the opportunity not only to familiarize themselves with the latest developments, methods, and approaches used by foreign specialists in theory but also to actively participate in their implementation in real-time.

It should be noted that the result of this exchange format is an improvement in the quality of medical care, a reduction in hospital stays, early rehabilitation, and restoration of work capacity for residents of Moscow, and as a result, an increase in the accessibility of medical care for the population of the city of Moscow, which is the main goal of the implementation of the state program.

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