Media Forum in Istanbul
The Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, the Moscow House of the Compatriot and the Moscow Center for International Cooperation held a Media Forum of Compatriots in Istanbul (Republic of Turkey) on October 1-3, 2023.
The Moscow Center for International Cooperation acted as the operator of a complex of works on technical support of the event, design and multimedia support of the forum. It provided transport support to the participants and organizers of the event, as well as organized the participation of speakers and experts at the Media Forum.
The event was held with the support of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Russian Consulate General in Istanbul and the Russian House in Ankara. The forum was assisted by the Komsomolskaya Pravda media group and the Russian World Foundation.
The first forum for media representatives of compatriots was held in Istanbul in December 2022 where gathered more than 40 representatives of Russian-speaking foreign media and organizations of compatriots. This year, more than 50 representatives of Russian-speaking foreign media, organizations of compatriots living abroad from almost 30 countries, representatives of leading Russian media, and experts took part in the forum.
This event has become a real platform for the exchange of ideas and experience between participants of various countries united by interests in media and information technologies.
Sergey Cheremin, Minister of the Government of Moscow and Head of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, delivered a welcoming speech at the opening of the Media Forum. He expressed the importance of such meetings and stressed the role of the media in the modern world as a means of information and communication.
The program of the Media Forum consisted of panel discussions, round tables, master classes and excursions. The participants improved their qualifications, presented their projects and shared their experience, discussed current professional tasks and opportunities for further cooperation.
In the framework of panel discussions and round tables, compatriots discussed the situation of Russian-language media in their countries, talked about countering the spread of false information and exchanged views on how to communicate their position more effectively.
The participants of the Media Forum also attended workshops where they were introduced in the latest changes in the work of social networks over the past year and what tools they may use in order to be heard by a wide audience.
The Media Forum was presented by representatives of ITAR-TASS, Komsomolskaya Pravda media group, RT, Mir and Moscow 24 TV channels, WARP Foundation and the Russian World Foundation.
It is expected that the Media Forum of Compatriots will continue its successful work, promoting the global media community to a brighter and more informed future.